
A publishing house for your inner garden
Naomi Rose, Publisher
Flower Essence Remedies for Readers
The healing properties of natural Flower Essences
can work synergistically with your reading of Rose Press books
by opening you to the positive qualities the book seeks to bring about.

If you're not already familiar with the gentle healing power of Flower Essences,
you are in for a treat.
Distilled from living flowers by adept practitioners of the science and art, these bottled remedies partake of the unique properties of the specially chosen flower(s) to strengthen positive qualities and diminish negative ones. Just a few drops in the mouth each day for a period of time, or used topically, can come to make a noticeable positive difference in mood, attitude, energy, orientation, and so much more.
Reason #1: Our books are medicine for something you need.
You are drawn to a Rose Press book because it interests you, somehow. This may be because it resonates with what already is alive and well inside you, and you would like confirmation as well as the author's perspective on the subject.
It also may be that you are drawn to that book as "medicine" -— that is, the book contains and emanates some solution or remedy that you are seeking for yourself (or your loved ones, or our shared world) that you do not currently experiencing yourself as possessing. In this case, taking in the healing of the book can start to activate that same inherent quality in you, similar to a jumpstart from the working engine of one car to another whose battery needs a reminding life.
We believe, of course, that the healing power of Rose Press books is sufficient to make a difference in your consciousness and your life. And yet by also adding in a relevant flower essence remedy along with reading the book, you make your receptivity more porous, more able to take in the book's healing qualities and make them part of your own operating system.
We believe that all positive qualities are inherent in a human being, but that some have been shut out or shut down or, for whatever reason, not given encouragement and berth for their seeds to take root and come into bloom. These flower essences, along with the medicine of the books, remedy that situation.
If you are seeking a balanced integration of your "intra-psychic family," for example — the inside-out prescription given by Dr. Claudio Naranjo for an ailing civilization — then there are flower essences that will aid this integration, along with your dawning understanding of the situation as you read the book.
Or if you are seeking to connect with your authentic creative ways (perhaps they got left back in childhood, or perhaps they never got the encouragement to open naturally), then there are flower essences that will complement the books in the "Creative Process" series by Naomi Rose, so that your experience of your divinely given creativity becomes a steady companion in your life and leads you to all kinds of flowering.
Similarly with all the other Rose Press books, the flower essences that you'll learn about here have been curated to support and accompany the medicine intrinsic to each book. So this wil not be "just another read." It will be an opportunity to become the medicine you need through this book-plus-flower-essence dedicated combination.
So that is one excellent reason to avail yourself of the following flower essence remedies.
And here's another:
Reason #2: We're all too overloaded to be able to really take things in, these days.
We're overloaded with input. Even reading a book isn't always the immersive experience it used to be, what with all the pulls on our attention from so many sources, some of it close to our hearts but some loudly irrelevant. Maybe we have good intentions to really give ourselves to the book . . . and maybe (hopefully) we really enjoy it.
But are we able to take in its message to the extent we would like to? Its atmosphere? Its healing?
All the authors of Rose Press books put their hearts and souls, their minds and spirits, and sometimes years of their lives writing their books — not only for their own creative benefit, but also to share something they truly believe is of value with their readers. It's not only the message that they want to convey: it's also the inner positive qualities that visited them, radiated out from them, as they wrote.

If you use a compatible Flower Essence while reading a specific Rose Press Book, you will get so much more out of the book. It's like making a solution more permeable, so that all the nutrients available can be absorbed.
And that's why, as a dedicated student of healing as well as a publisher and Book Developer, I recommend that you try any or all of the following curated and recommended Flower Essences to go with the Rose Press Books you read.
Note: I am a delighted affiliate of "Directly from Nature" Flower Essences. This is where the links below will take you to. You will be treated well.
Below are the Rose Press books that especially lend themselves to the concurrent use of Flower Essences ~ and why. You can use one or more, based on which of the following suggested remedies call to you at this time.
Click here to go to Directly From Nature. All the recommended flower essences below will be found on the "Bach Flower Essences" page.
FLOWER ESSENCES for books in the "Creative Process" series
Recommended flower essence remedies for
An Organic Approach to Structuring Your Book,
by Naomi Rose:
Recommended flower essence remedies for
Starting Your Book,
by Naomi Rose:
(The following flower essences
work for both books)

CERRATO: For trusting your intuition, self-confidence, certainty
ELM: For faith and confidence to complete your task
GENTIAN: For perseverance, faith to continue despite apparent setbacks
GORSE: For feeling hopeful, light-filled optimism
HEATHER: For emotional self-sufficiency
HORNBEAM: For a steady state of energy
LARCH: For creative expression, spontaneity, self-confidence
OLIVE: For cultivating the conditions for deep rest and renewal
ROCK WATER: For flexibility, spontaneity, flowing receptivity
SCLERANTHUS: For decisiveness, inner resolve, ability to weigh choices
WILLOW: For adaptability
Click here to go to Directly From Nature. All the recommended flower essences below will be found on the "Bach Flower Essences" page.
FLOWER ESSENCES for books in the "Healing the World from the Inside Out" series

Recommended flower essence remedies for We Have All Been the "Others"
by Pat Marino:
AGRIMONY: For communicating openly
ASPEN: For feeling secure and peaceful
BEECH: For tolerance
CHICORY: For respecting the freedom & individuality of others
CRAB APPLE: To accept imperfections in oneself and others
GORSE: For feeling hopeful, light-filled optimism
HEATHER: For empathizing and listening
IMPATIENS: For patient embrace of life events, others' pace
PINE: For self-acceptance and self-respect
WILLOW: For forgiveness
Recommended flower essence remedies for Healing Civilization
by Claudio Naranjo, MD:
CHESTNUT BUD: For ability to cultivate life wisdom,
GORSE: For feeling hopeful, light-filled optimism
HOLLY: For heartfelt compassion and loving, inclusive outreach
MIMULUS: For courage and confidence, radiant light shining outwards
MUSTARD: For emotional equilibrium, integration of suffering and joy into a positive whole
VERVAIN: For moderation, tolerance, balance / passionate, embodied idealism
VINE: For inner authority, connection to higher spiritual identity

Click here to go to Directly From Nature. All the recommended flower essences below will be found on the "Bach Flower Essences" page.
FLOWER ESSENCES for books in the "Money and the Inner Life" series
Recommended flower essence remedies for MotherWealth: The Feminine Path to Money,
by Naomi Rose

AGRIMONY: For communicating openly
CERRATO: For trusting your intuition, self-confidence, certainty
CHERRY PLUM: For feeling guided and protected by a higher power / balance, equanimity during stress
GENTIAN: For perseverance, confidence, faith to continue despite apparent setbacks
HONEYSUCKLE: For being fully in the present
MUSTARD: For emotional equilibrium, integration of suffering and joy into a positive whole
PINE: For self-acceptance and self-respect
STAR OF BETHLEHEM: For Unity with deepest part of self
SWEET CHESTNUT: For faith in adversity, spiritual depth
WILLOW: For forgiveness
Click here to go to Directly From Nature. All the recommended flower essences below will be found on the "Bach Flower Essences" page.
Enjoy your flower essence remedies, and the books that accompany them!