
A publishing house for your inner garden
Naomi Rose, Publisher
Write the Book of Your Heart

For readers
who also wish to be authors
making a difference for themselves
and their readers

Writing from the Deeper Self
Book Development & Creative Midwifery with Naomi Rose

You have a book in you. I help you love it out by our listening to you together.
We know you read books. But maybe you also want to write a book.
If you find that you have a desire to write something because it lives in you (whether clear as a diamond or still shrouded in mist)—
something that others can read and take into themselves—
something within that's so much part of you that to be able to express it and share it would fulfill a deep longing—
then please know that you are in good company.
Because once this was also true of the authors of the Rose Press books you are, or will soon be, reading.
Was it difficult for them to write? Sometimes. But that was largely because it can take time to find one's true alignment, and to identify one's natural creative ways. Once that starts to become visible, then the process of articulating the treasures that lie within a human being can be enormously healing for the
author. The entire process — not only the outcome of a completed manuscript, but also the experience of creating, shaping, and discovering the inner territory that might otherwise remain hidden — fulfills the author's creative nature, and brings something new and wonderful into the world.
So imagine: you get to have this experience of finding and actualizing what wants to be known by writing a book.
And then your readers get the benefit, too. They get to read what you have written, and find an equivalent treasure in themselves. To fulfill their own longing to be known.
If you sense there's a book in you, but you're not sure what to do next,
the good news is you don't have to do this alone.
Naomi Rose—
the publisher of Rose Press, the author of many Rose Press books,
and the creator of the "Writing from the Deeper Self" approach—
makes it possible for people who value the inner life to write the book of their heart.
Even if they have never written a book before.
As a Book Developer & Creative Midwife with over 40 years experience in the book publications field, Naomi will help you listen to yourself and your own creative process with such care and attunement that the book seeking a home in you will surface from your depths and bloom, as only you can write it.
By listening to you together to see what wants to be known and how, and by gently guiding your way so that what emerges in you takes the form of a book, Naomi supports not only your desire to write a book that speaks to you and to other people but also your being. You are not just a "client"; you are a dimensional human being whose essential qualities get to be brought forth through the holy project of writing the book of your heart, with her encouragement and support.
“What Naomi does superbly is to evoke the creative and articulate in each person who works with her, to such a degree that each one is surprised at his/her own talent for expression.” — Gay Luce, co-founder (with Jean Houston), Nine Gates Mystery School
Her author-clients have included people in the healing professions and people who seek to discover true and beautiful things through writing a book, and to bring these books into the world as part of their living contribution.
“Naomi reflects genuine authenticity and love more than almost anyone I know. Writing with her is an experience that will stretch the soul. Her quest is to pull out of her protégé the inner core of truth that lurks there, always elusive, but a many-splendored jewel once found.” —Rebecca A. Field, author, To Choose the Fire of the Cosmos (Foreword by H.H. The Dalai Lama)
“Naomi Rose has provided unwavering support, profound mirroring, and has gently guided and encouraged me to write from the place of my true and authentic self. In the process, I have come into relationship with my deepest creative self, after a lifetime of longing and disconnection from it. This gift beyond measure, I attribute to Naomi’s soulful, loving, supportive, and wise guidance.” —Carolyn Shoshana Fershtman, JD, PhD, author, The Mystical Exodus in Jungian Perspective: Transforming Trauma and the Wellsprings of Renewal
Are you ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and connection? It’s time to invite the healing power of your deeper Self to make itself known through your writing. To find out more, see Naomi's Book Development site: naomirose.net
Or contact her directly to discuss the book of your heart.

Naomi Rose
Naomi's own books in the "Creative Process" series are available from Rose Press on this website:
An Organic Approach to Structuring Your Book: An Alternative to Outlines (Workbook Included)
Starting Your Book: Navigating the Blank Page by Attending to What's Inside You
You might start by reading these books, then scheduling a complimentary session with Naomi to explore what it could be like to work together on the book of your heart.
A healing approach to writing that invites in more of you than only words,
where the depth of your real nature takes the lead and your words follow.
Because it’s not only how many pages you write.
It’s how much of you comes onto the page.

Amazing Writing Coach:
“Naomi is an amazing writing coach. She started me on my path of writing from my depths ten years ago. I loved how she supported me to quickly claim my unique strengths as a writer. Naomi coached me through writing my very first e-course, "Collage for Self-Discovery,’"which is still alive and loved in the online market today.”
— Shelley Klammer, author, Collage for Self-Discovery
"Helped Me Listen for My Soul's Calling":
“I just wanted to thank you for your help in the early part of my book development. You really helped me to listen more deeply for my soul’s calling in what I was writing, to share more of my experiences and heart. I thought you would enjoy knowing that the book finally got birthed into the world. I am getting really good feedback on it.”
— Deborah Welch, PhD, author, Forgiveness at Work: Stories of the Power, Possibility, and Practice of Forgiveness in the Workplace
Excellent Guide:
“Supportive, kind. and wise, Naomi is an excellent guide and editor for developing your book and bringing it forth in beautiful shape. Highly recommended! She is so kind and supportive and gentle and appreciative, yet perceptive of the places where my book needed improvement, from commas to emotional nuances. I worked with her over many years to revise, edit, and polish my trilogy — and always felt gracefully received and held through this 'book birthing' process.
Her faith in my book has been and is still very important to me in keeping my inner critic at bay. She has inspired me to honor what I have written by doing the work necessary to bring it into the coherent and beautiful form it deserves.”
— Rahima Warren, MFT, author, The Star-Seer's Prophecy
"I'm Starting to Hear Myself":
"Unconditional positive regard and presence are two qualities that every good therapist aspires to. When achieved, the counselor becomes a healer. What a delightful surprise to find that Naomi Rose excels in these attributes. Through being deeply listened to, I am starting to hear myself.
Because of that, my relationship to writing has shifted to a level that will grow beyond the book project and inform the rest of my life. The book has become a bonus, and I am grateful.”
— Clare Goodwin, Psychosynthesis Therapist; author, Gifts of the Mandala: A Guided Journey of Self-Discovery
To learn more about
Naomi's services
and her unique approach
to writing,
"Writing from the Deeper Self,"
see her website:
Naomi Rose
Book Developer & Creative Midwife
Encouraging Your Flowering
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As a thank-you, I’ll send you a free copy of my book, 10 Essential Qualities That Help You Write a Book. As these qualities become known to you and surface, they will support you abundantly to write the book of your heart and live more authentically.
Deep reads for deepening readers.
Rose Press books. A publishing house for your inner garden.