
A publishing house for your inner garden
Naomi Rose, Publisher

Books & Other Fragrant Offerings to Bring You Home to Yourself
A publishing house for your inner garden
At the very heart of Rose Press is ~ you.
And isn't that just what we want from a book?
We want to see who we are.
We want direct access to the materials (and im-materials)
with which to grow our inner garden well.
And we want to live in a world where this is so.
How do you come to such a place ~ both for your own sake and for the world’s?
You slow down and smell the roses.
On the pages of this Rose Press site,
you can slow down and smell the roses.
You can encounter the healing potential of our books and other fragrant offerings,
and sense what they can do for you from inside you.
Because we trust the healing potency of what’s inside each of our wonderful products,
we offer you a fragrant whiff of each one ~
a felt experience so you can find (and re-find) the living fragrance within yourself.
We want to remind you of some inner beauty that you may have lost track of;
provide a path through a thicket to reveal your own secret, longed-for inner garden.
Then your own fragrance will give itself to you freely, joyfully ~
and simply by inhabiting it, you will bring this fragrance to others.
This resonance will reverberate as you live with the books and other products,
and so our experience of living in the world together will be transformed
into something beautiful.
We publish books to grow your inner garden, nourish your being, and encourage your blooming.

Deep reads for deepening readers
Rose Press books are the distillation of their authors' essence, refined over time and many revisions to bring you into contact with the gift of something fragrant and indescribably beautiful within yourself.
We also have art prints and flower essence remedies to deepen your experience of yourself & our books.
The Landscape of the Rose Press Book Series
Our series of books address the following healing terrains:
~ The Creative Process
~ Healing the World from the Inside Out
~ Money and the Inner Life
~ The Beauty of the Inner Life

Books in the "Creative Process" Series
Books in the
"Money & the Inner Life"
Books in the
"Healing the World from the Inside Out"

Starting Your Book
by Naomi Rose
An Organic Approach​
to Structuring Your Book
by Naomi Rose
by Naomi Rose
Healing Civilization
by Claudio Naranjo, MD
We Have All Been the "Others"
by Patricia J. Marino
In "The Beauty of the Inner Life" Series
A New Life
Poems by Ralph Dranow
At Work on the Garments of Refuge
Poems by Ralph Dranow
and Daniel Marlin
Dancer Glory
Art by Cara Leslie Berton

Being a creative person in the world is a medicine that helps both you and the world. There are many myths about creativity, and some may have dampened yours. But the truth is that creativity is your birthright; and following the trail of how your creative pathways unfold will open you to a way of being and expressing that will feel natural to you and bring you discoveries from within that evoke your gratitude.
If you yearn to encourage the flowering of your creative nature in a way that feels natural to you ~ that enhances your sense of yourself and also offers wonderful gifts to others ~ then our Creative Process series will lead you through that door.
A Right-Brained Alternative to Outlines
by Naomi Rose
A Guide to Navigating the Blank Page by Attending to What's Inside You
by Naomi Rose
What we do on the inside must precede anything we do on the outside, in order to bring about lasting, healthy changes in our community / society / world. And so when we see things in the world that distress us ~ while we certainly can take outer actions ~ they will be more rooted, true, and potent once we have addressed within our own selves the causes behind what we object to in the world. This "inner work" not only frees us from joining in with the energies of what we object to, but also brings us into a purer place within that can inspire and radiate positive change on a larger scale.
If you sense that the dysfunctions and imbalances of society have an inner root, which can be addressed from within and brought into the world to transform it, then our Healing the World from the Inside Out series will clarify and deepen your access to this larger healing.
Bringing Personal Transformation into the Societal Realm
by Claudio Naranjo, MD
Reflections of a First-Generation’s Daughter on Belonging, Democracy,
and a New American Dream
by Patricia J. Marino
It's time for money to stop running our lives like an external authority, and become instead a reflection of who we really are, inside.
It's time for our deeper nature and our experience of money to come together ~ both for our own benefit, and for the people with whom money connects us.
We are conditioned to operate so far from our true natures relative to money that we suffer from this relationship (whether by viewing it as the source of our survival when we don't have it, or by giving it powers that impoverish our spirit and aggrandize our egos when we have too much. Wouldn't it serve us to explore this relationship in a more intimate way, so that who we truly are can access its wealth and use money as it was originally meant to be used ~ to (according to philosopher Jacob Needleman in his book, Money and the Meaning of Life) bring us closer to God.
If you want a way to connect money with who you really are, inside ~ so that rather than being at the effect of external conditions, your relationship with money becomes a pathway to self-awareness, fulfillment, and connection as well as abundance ~ then our Money and the Inner Life series will help you heal your money-bruised heart and open to a more integrated way of being.
The Feminine Path to Money
by Naomi Rose
STILL ROOTING (i.e., in process):
The Portable Blessings Ledger
A Way to Keep Track of Your Finances and Bring Meaning & Heart to Your Dealings with Money
by Naomi Rose
We rely on poetry and art to bring us closer to ourselves, to the world, to our souls, and to a regained sense of wonder and subtle perception. In the poet's eyes, in the artist's eyes, an ordinary bit of glass sparkling on a sidewalk can mirror the sun's light, reminding us that we ourselves are not meaningless or forgotten, but reflections of a larger light.
This ability to observe, get close to, and communicate what's precious within us (often by recounting treasures encountered on the outside) can balance our human tendencies towards weariness, discouragement, and forgetfulness of our true nature. Our culture may have downplayed the need for poetry, but our souls recognize its healing medicine and fragrance when we encounter it, and we take it in as nourishment. From this grateful replenishment, we can move into other arenas of our lives more full, more present, more willing to engage and bring our own poetry to life.
If you find that your soul is drying out from the culture’s emphasis on cognition, acquisition, information, and technological bits and bytes, and you long for a re-juicing, then our Beauty of Life series will welcome you into an intimate contact with your depths to find the extraordinary right here in the ordinary.
A New Life
by Ralph Dranow
At Work on the Garments of Refuge
by Ralph Dranow and Daniel Marlin
Dancer Glory
Art by Cara Leslie Berton

OTHER FRAGRANT OFFERINGS to bring you home to yourself include:
Art Prints by Naomi Rose
How the body moves when love is present....
These specially curated healing gifts from nature
work synergistically with all Rose Press books
by opening you to the positive qualities
the book seeks to bring about.
there's a page for that, too.

Click on any page on the menu at the top to find out more about a particular product.
If you already know which Rose Press product you want to purchase, click here.

"If you asked for a few words of guidance and comfort,
I would quickly kneel by your side and offer a whole book as a gift."
— Hafiz

Deep reads for deepening readers
Rose Press books are the distillation of their authors' essence, refined over time and many revisions to bring you into contact with the gift of something fragrant and indescribably beautiful within yourself.
We also have art prints and flower essence remedies to deepen your experience of yourself & our books.
The Landscape of the Rose Press Book Series
Our series of books address the following healing terrains ~
~ The Creative Process
~ Healing the World from the Inside Out
~ Money and the Inner Life
~ The Beauty of the Inner Life

Books in the "Creative Process" Series
Books in the
"Money & the Inner Life"
Books in the
"Healing the World from the Inside Out"

Starting Your Book
by Naomi Rose
An Organic Approach​
to Structuring Your Book
by Naomi Rose

by Naomi Rose

Healing Civilization
by Claudio Naranjo, MD

We Have All Been the "Others"
by Patricia J. Marino
In "The Beauty of the Inner Life" Series

A New Life
Poems by Ralph Dranow

At Work on the Garments of Refuge
Poems by Ralph Dranow
and Daniel Marlin

Dancer Glory
Art by Cara Leslie Berton
We hope that these books will live in your heart like an eternal time capsule, releasing their healing medicine as you read them.
Our authors have plumbed their inner being to unearth the gifts that have come to live within their books’ covers. They have worked the landscapes offered up in their books ~ at first rough and untilled, then dug into, amended, and tended until, from the look of it, there was always a beautiful garden.
Yet so much went into the earlier stages before the fragrance was ready for you. Something essentializing had to happen within the authors' creative experience. Out of all the years and memories and ideas and possibilities dreamed of and lived through, something has been distilled.
All the dregs have been churned up and left to sink to the bottom. And what is left on the page is the gift of the book — the offering.
This, then, is what the reader gets to experience: a hint of the author’s churning process, but ultimately, the fragrance.
When 100,000 rose petals are gathered in the dark of early morning, placed into retorts filled with solvent, and heated over time until their oil rises as a liquid distillation, then you have just 1 ounce of that most prized (and expensive) of aromatics, rose essence (rose absolute).
In the same way, Rose Press books are the distillation of their authors' essence, refined over time and many revisions to bring you into contact with the gift of something fragrant and indescribably beautiful within yourself.
As Rose Press books yield their fragrance, our own rises up to meet it and our hearts open like petals opening to the light.
Slow down and smell the roses available to you on this site. Read on.
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Deep reads for deepening readers.
Rose Press books. A publishing house for your inner garden.