
A publishing house for your inner garden
Naomi Rose, Publisher

Writing a book may feel daunting.
But what if the qualities that would make it exciting, fulfilling, and even joyful to embark on this deeply creative, potentially healing journey were to open up inside you and guide your way through?
This is entirely possible! The seeds of all the qualities you need already exist in potential form inside you.
And working with the book
10 Essential Qualities That Help You Write a Book
will bring them home.
10 Essential Qualities That Help You Write a Book: A Guide to Watering the Seeds of the Qualities You Need,
by Naomi Rose
Did you know
that countless essential qualities already exist in you?
Some are clearly visible, while others seem nowhere to be found.
And yet they do exist in you — in seed form.
They are part of what you could view as your Divine Inheritance.
All the wonderful qualities you can conceive of (and also those you current can't)
exist in potential.
You only have to become aware of this
and cultivate them — call them in —
for them to begin flowering in you.
Opening up your essential qualities is certainly not limited to use in writing a book.
But it helps enormously, there, too.
The very thought of writing a book can be daunting (even if exciting).
"What do you do?" "Where do you start?" "What if I don't have it in me?"
When you contemplate
and call in
any/all of these 10 Essential Qualities,
you will find that as they open up in you,
you can rely on them.
It changes your experience of writing a book entirely.
It's like the difference between trying to make a journey on an old, rusted-out bicycle
versus a highly tuned, well-running automobile.
You are supported very well to get where you are going.

In this book, you'll get to explore and taste the following essential qualities:
1: Creativity — Connecting with Your Creative Nature
2: Confidence — Expressing Yourself with Confidence
3: Flow — Finding the Flow
4: Clarity — Seeing the Big Picture
5: Intimate Noticing — Coming in Closer: A Feeling for Detail
6: Depth — Going Deeper into the Writing by Going Deeper into the Writer
7: Self-Compassion — Cultivating Self-Compassion
8: Commitment — Going the Distance: Gladly Staying with Your Writing Until It’s Complete
9: Re-vision — Revision: The Gift of Refinement
10: Being Visible — Bringing Your Light All the Way into the World
Tapping into these qualities
helps you move beyond perceived limitations
so you can work with yourself instead of against yourself
and write your book from start to finish.

In 10 Essential Qualities, you'll get to do more than find out what these qualities are. You'll also have the opportunity to steep a bit in each of the 10 essential qualities and try them on for size — look inside yourself to find them, and begin to invite them out.
In this richly packed 58-page book, Book Developer Naomi Rose introduces each of the 10 qualities in a way that's inspiring and relatable, and helps you clear the obstacles so these qualities can show up in you. Then, you're invited to "Take a brief look within" by means of well-chosen questions that let you locate yourself in relation to that quality. "Hmm," you may find yourself contemplating, "how has creativity [for example] played a part in my life already?" And as glimmers of understanding come to you, you can write them down in a special area provided in this book for your own reflections.
So your experience of these qualities does not remain theoretical at all. It soon becomes intimate. Something you can know first-hand.
Essential Quality #1: Creativity
Touching into inspiration; the joy of being an instrument of something larger,
which matches a burning desire inside you.
What needs to happen inside you to experience that? What can help (from inside / from outside)?

Essential Quality #2: Confidence
Being able to express yourself clearly and with confidence. To focus, to choose the appropriate words, to trust your sense of organization; and to trust yourself as all this happens, without second-guessing or self-doubting.
What needs to happen inside you to experience that? What can help (from inside / from outside)?
Essential Quality #3: Flow
Entering into an internal space where time disappears, and you feel you are “going with the flow,” where nothing is an effort and all that comes from you is given to you.
What needs to happen inside you to experience that? What can help (from inside / from outside)?

Essential Quality #4:
Seeing the Big Picture
Rising above a too-close way of seeing your writing and getting a larger perspective.
Seeing how things shape up and interconnect as in an aerial view.
What needs to happen inside you to experience that? What can help (from inside / from outside)?
Essential Quality #5:
Coming in Closer:
A Feeling for Detail
Bringing your imagination and senses into the picture, so that you can evoke a felt sense of what you write about for your readers — and for yourself.
What needs to happen inside you to experience that? What can help (from inside / from outside)?
Essential Quality #6: Depth:
Going Deeper into the Writing
by Going Deeper into the Writer
Being able to move into the deeper knowing within you as you write,
even if you didn’t know you knew it until you wrote it.
What needs to happen inside you to experience that? What can help (from inside / from outside)?
Essential Quality #7:
Cultivating Self-
Being able to be tender and forgiving with yourself as you write — because on some level, no matter what the subject, you are always writing about yourself. And something true in you seeks to evolve.
What needs to happen inside you to experience that? What can help (from inside / from outside)?
Essential Quality #8: Commitment:
Going the Distance —
Gladly Staying with Your Writing
Until It's Complete
Staying the course with a lengthy project such as writing a book requires commitment, energy, and passion. Keeping passion alive over the long haul requires a deeper level of commitment than for a shorter-term project. That’s how you reach the “finish line” of completing your book.
What needs to happen inside you to experience that? What can help (from inside / from outside)?
Essential Quality #9:
The Gift of Refinement
You can’t know in the beginning of your book all that you’ll know about it when you get to the end of the first draft. Knowing that you can revise allows you to write without having to concern yourself with your writing being perfect. It will all come out well in the end.
What needs to happen inside you to experience that? What can help (from inside / from outside)?
Essential Quality #10: Being Visible:
Bringing Your Light
All the Way into the World
Allowing the light that has guided you from within all through writing your book to shine out into the world. Bringing your book to the awareness of readers so they can benefit from your journey and its fulfillment.
What needs to happen inside you to experience that? What can help (from inside / from outside)?

All these Essential Qualities are ready to spring up in you.
Take the first step now.

Buy the book and enhance your:
Intimate Noticing
Re-Vision and
Not only for the writing of your book
but in the rest of your life, as well.

$12 is all it takes to activate these seeds.
But wait! Pause for just a moment!
Did you know . . .
You can receive this book at no cost whatsoever when you purchase An Organic Approach to Structuring Your Book: A Right-Brained Alternative to Outlines, also by Naomi Rose.​
These two books make a perfect complement. They both guide you into a place within yourself where you will have what you need and intuitively know what to do in writing the book of your heart. This unique "two-fer" opportunity is being offered to encourage your dependable creative flowering, so you can fulfill your dream of writing a book and bring its healing medicine into the world.
If you want to take up on this unusual offer, do not click on the "Click here to buy" button, above.
Instead, go to the page for An Organic Approach to Structuring Your Book, enjoy reading waht's on the page, and buy that book from there (either in print or ebook format). Once you have purchased An Organic Approach, your copy of 10 Essential Qualities That Help You Write a Book will be sent to you.
(And if for some reason you do not want to take up on this rather unusual two-for-one offer, then by all means click on "Click here to buy the book" instead. Either way, you'll be watering the seeds of the qualities you need.)
May these Essential Qualities become real in you.
Your Divine Inheritance awaits.
(And so do your eventual readers.)

About Naomi Rose

Naomi Rose is the publisher of Rose Press, and the author of 3 books in the "Creative Process" series on this website:
Starting Your Book: Navigating the Blank Page by Attending to What's Inside You
An Organic Approach to Structuring Your Book: A Right-Brained Alternative to Outlines, and
10 Essential Qualities That Help You Write a Book: Watering the Seeds of the Qualities You Need
She is also the creator of Writing from the Deeper Self, and a Book Developer & Creative Midwife by profession. She helps people write the book of their heart by listening to and with them so that what is essential inside the writer becomes known through the writing. Most of her clients have successfully completed and published their books., to their great satisfaction To learn more about her approach and explore how you might work with her on your book, see https://www.naomirose.net.